Cultivating a culture of mindful awareness,

compassion and collaborative social engagement







Who are we?





We are a network of researchers, educators, practitioners and artists, exploring the transformative potential of contemplative learning.


Our approach to learning and to research seeks to integrate body, mind and spirit. 

While modern education has tended to focus on acquiring facts and knowledge from the 'outside' and to then analyze, contemplative learning emphasizes looking and listening to what is already 'within' us. This starts from attention to the senses and feelings, and extends to embodied insights into how we experience the world in interrelation.










What is Contemplative Learning?



 Contemplative learning includes the cultivation of awareness and attention so that we are better able to regulate our emotions. It includes the cultivation of compassion, and an awareness of the systems that we are embedded in as interdependent beings.

It is about opening up to the unknown so that we have the courage to rest playfully and creatively in the chaos and uncertainty of our times. 


Contemplative learning brings together ancient wisdom and modern science, and traditions from East and West. 






情報が溢れるAI時代の混沌と不確実性の中でこそ、自分の身体感覚をよりどころとし、未知のものに心を開き、遊び心を持って、ただ今この瞬間にくつろぐ。 そこから一人ひとりが豊かに花ひらく道が連なります。


観想的な学びは、 誰かから合格点が付されるものではありません。自分の感覚で、問いかけて、腑に落としていく学びです。日々の繰り返しのなかで身体に染み込み、人生を通して実現していく道でもあります。体験を重ねる過程で、 何か変化があった、何かと何かがつながったというような、気づきの瞬間 瞬間と共にあり続けることが、観想の学びです。



What is our intention?



As an international network based primarily in Japan, we seek to create spaces of contemplative learning that are connected to Japanese cultures, spiritualities and philosophies, but in dialogic, innovative ways. Our intention is to cultivate cultures in educational institutions and spaces, that embrace diverse ways of being, and where hearts, bodies and minds can connect in a place of trust and openness. 


One of our primary projects is to adapt and (re)embed Social Emotional and Ethical Learning into Japanese education and society, with a view that this program can be a catalyst for systemic socio-cultural change. 


We hope to collaborate with you in creating networks of learning, practice and research- through workshops, research projects, lectures and mutual dialogue. 





主要なプロジェクトの一つは社会的・情動的・倫理的学習 - SEEラーニング - を日本の土壌に合うかたちでカリキュラム開発し、教育現場や臨床現場へ届けることです。

