PART 1. 9:20-10:50 観想教育の科学/The Science of Contemplative Education

9:20 – 10:00  Keynote Lecture by Dr. Robert Roeser.

Title: Contemplative Education in the Era of AI: 

The Promise of Social, Emotional and Ethical (SEE) Learning



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is theorized to herald, among other things, a new era in education. Similar to the introduction of other technologies, we can expect losses and gains in education to occur as a result of this suite of new technologies. For example, hundreds of millions of students all over the world may gain a powerful and personalized AI tutor. At the same time, students and families may lose considerable privacy rights in utilizing AI-enabled educational systems. Of course, the future is uncertain.  But it seems prudent to ask at this point: What role might social-emotional and ethical (SEE) learning programs, and supporting constructivist pedagogical practices, play in shaping this new era of education in the schools? What kind of education is appropriate and needed to address the opportunities and challenges confronting the world today?


In this talk, I explicate the kinds of skills and dispositions that SEE Learning programs aim to cultivate in the classroom, as well as the wider routines of teaching and classroom practice that are needed to make the learning of these skills engaging and enduring. At a deeper level of analysis, I explicate the implicit assumptive framework regarding the nature of the human being that characterizes contemplative educational approaches generally.  I argue that contemplative educational approaches offer an alternative vision of the human being beyond that of homo economicus which seems so salient today – the view that human beings are primarily interested in material rewards and punishments and education is primarily about getting a job.  Furthermore, I argue that the kinds of skills that SEE Learning aims to cultivate, and the kinds of pedagogical practices that are needed to successfully implement SEE Learning programs, offer the promise of helping young people to realize the very kinds of human capacities that AI may not reach:  teamwork and collaboration, ethical and caring decision-making, creative and critical thinking, and effective communication. Suggestions for future research based on a contemplative educational approach are offered.



Robert Roeser is the Bennett Pierce Professor of Care, Compassion and Human Development at Penn State University. His training is in education and developmental science, and he is a thought leader in the emerging fields of Contemplative Education and Developmental Contemplative Science. Dr. Roeser’s research interests include adolescence and early adulthood, schooling from Pre-K to College/University as a central cultural context of students’ academic, social-emotional and identity development; and the role of mindfulness and compassion training for teachers and students. His recent work has focused on introducing mindfulness and compassion practices in for-credit, college courses for students to help them to (a) manage mental health challenges and (b) pursue their own vision of a life of flourishing.


人工知能(AI)は、とりわけ教育の新時代の到来を告げるものと理論づけられている。他のテクノロジーを導入する際と同様に、こうした一連の新しいテクノロジーの結果として、教育にも損失と利益が生じることが予想される。例えば、世界中の何億人もの生徒が、強力でパーソナライズされたAI家庭教師を得るかもしれない。同時に、AIを活用した教育システムを利用することで、生徒や家族はプライバシーに関する権利を大幅に失うかもしれない。もちろん、将来は不透明だ。 しかし、現時点ではこう問うのが賢明だろう: SEEラーニング・プログラム、そしてそれを支える構成主義に基づく教育の実践は、学校における教育の新時代を形成する上で、どのような役割を果たすのか?今日の世界が直面する機会や課題に対処するために、どのような教育が適切であり、必要とされているのか。


本講演では、SEEラーニング・プログラムを用いて教育現場で培うことを目的としているスキルや気質について、また、これらのスキルの学びを魅力的で持続的なものにするために必要な、日常的な教えや教室での実践について深く紹介する。また、広く観想教育アプローチの特徴として見られる、人間の本質に関する暗黙の前提的枠組みについてより深い分析レベルで掘り下げる。 観想教育アプローチは、今日顕著に見られる、人間は主に物質的な報酬や罰に関心があり、教育は主に仕事を得るためにあるのだという、ホモ・エコノミクスの見方を超えた、人類についての代替的なビジョンを与えてくれると私は考える。 さらに、SEEラーニングが育むことを目指すスキルや、SEEラーニング・プログラムの実施に欠かせない教育的な実践は、必ずや、チームワークと協調性、倫理的で思いやりのある意思決定、創造的で批判的な思考、効果的なコミュニケーションなど、 AIでは育むことができないであろう人間の能力を若者が体現する助けになると考える。また、これらに加え、観想教育アプローチに基づく今後の研究への提言も行う。


10:00 -10:15 comment:  Dr. Masahiro Niitsuma (Keio University, System Design Management) 



10:30-10:50 Discussion  

Moderator: Dr. Brendan Ozawa-de-Silva