International Symposium

Sponsored by

Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology 


7th March, 2024. 



We welcome you to a contemplative in-person think tank,

to be held bilingually in Tokyo, Japan.


Cultivating East-West dialogue, collaboration and co-creation

for human flourishing -







生き生きと花ひらくために -



Educating the heart and mind in the age of AI - Contemplative Education and Compassion-based Ethics in Japan



AI時代の心の教育 -






In the age of AI, when our notions of what it means to be human is being challenged and reconfigured, what kind of education is needed for personal, social and systemic well-being and flourishing?


To explore this question, this think tank will weave together the emerging interdisciplinary field of contemplative education and contemplative studies, with leading scholars and practitioners in the field. We focus in particular on the potentials of Social Emotional and Ethical Learning (SEE Learning) as a framework and methodology for educating the heart, mind and body to cultivate resilience, awareness and compassion as systemic foundations in a time of technological and social change. We consider how this framework and curriculum can be skillfully implemented in the Japanese cultural context, and directions for future research and collaboration. We explore what insights can be gained from the Japanese socio-cultural and philosophical context for the wider global movement of contemplative education and SEE Learning. This think tank will become a platform to launch a research centre for systemic and cultural change through contemplative education, and we welcome participants to connect, reflect, and envision in this moment together.  



このような問いのもと、観想教育や観想研究という学際的分野の可能性を探求します。技術と社会が刻々と変化する中で、一人ひとりに備わる能力が存分に花ひらくための、レジリエンス、アウェアネス(気づき)、コンパッション(思いやり)を育む心の教育の枠組みと方法論として、ソーシャル・エモーショナル&エシカル・ラーニング(Social Emotional and Ethical LearningSEEラーニング)に焦点を当てます。SEEラーニングのフレームワークとカリキュラムを手がかりに、日本において観想教育がどのように実動されうるのか、今後の研究と協力の方向性を検討します。観想教育の展望を、参加者一人ひとりが観想と対話を通じて描き出し、土壌づくり・拠点づくりへと、共に関わります。






9:00  Opening remarks: Dr. Yuki Imoto (Keio University)

PART 1. 9:15-11:00 観想教育の科学/The Science of Contemplative Education

 9:15- 9:25 Ice Break

9:25 - 10:10  Dr. Robert Roeser, Pennsylvania State University.

"Contemplative Education in the Era of AI: The Promise of Social, Emotional and Ethical (SEE) Learning"


10:10 -10:25 comment:  Dr. Masahiro Niitsuma (Keio University, System Design Management) 

10:25 - 10:55 Discussion

PART 2 11:05 -12:45 日本の<孤独>から見る観想教育の展望/Japanese selfhood and prospects of contemplative learning

11:05-11:45 Dr. Chikako Ozawa-de-Silva, Emory University,  Professor of Japanese Studies and Anthropology.

“Preventing the ’Lonely Society’: The implications of Japanese Naikan practice
for Contemplative Education


11:45 -12:00 Comment: Dr. Miho Takahashi, (Tokyo University, Faculty of Education)

12:00 - 12:10  Comment and Practice; Ms. Kazuha Ogasawara (Bodyworker. Tohoku University, School of Medicine)

12:10-12:40 Discussion

12:40-14:00  Lunch (bento provided. We will form themed groups for conversation during the break)

PART 3 14:00 - 16:10 観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開/Social Emotional and Ethical Learning - contexts and trajectories

14:00 – 14:40 Dr. Geshe Lobsang Negi (Emory University, Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion Based Ethics)

"SEE Learning®: Addressing a Critical Need in Education" 


14:40-15:10  Reports from School educators who are implementing SEE Learning in Japan:

14:40-14:55 Dr. Tomoko Imai (Jiyugaoka Gakuen high school)

14:55-15:10 Ms. Tomomi Harada, (Ohinata elementary school)

15:13 -15:20  Comment; Mr. Kamohara Shinji (Newspicks Education)

15:20 -15:50  Discussion

PART 4 16:00-17:45】日本的思想文化とSEEラーニング/Japanese philosophy and culture as contemplative learning

16:00– 16:40 Prof. Nishihira Tadashi, Sophia University. 

       西平 直(上智大学グリーフケア研究所)

『「わざの伝承」とコンパッション -私を感じる・内側を耕す・コツをつかむ』

"Compassion and the Transmission of Waza - sensing myself, inner cultivation, grasping the kotsu"

16:40-17:00 response: traditional Japanese musical performance by Mr. Teruhiko Honda, Kyushu University

17:00-17:30 Discussion led by Dr. Anton Sevilla-Liu, Kyushu University

17:30-17:50 Comments (wrap up, contemplation, reflecting on what is emerging from here): Dr. Angel Acosta

17:50-18:00 Closing announcements

*simultaneous interpretation will be provided throughout the day

Reception at the Cafeteria from 18:15-20:00, with traditional Biwa Performance



Keio University, Mita Campus, East Hall.



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Organizing Committee/運営委員会

We look forward to welcoming you at Mita Campus, Tokyo, Japan!


Yuki Imoto

Eriko Tsumori

Masahiro Fujino

Kento Suzuki

Masaki Matsubara

Miyako Hatano

Chizuko Tezuka