Evening reception and cultural performance


The evening reception will begin from 18:15 at the Cafeteria of Keio Mita Campus, on the 4th floor of the South Building.



Please book your place through the peatix system upon registering for the think tank. 



In the last half hour of the reception, Master Seishu Suda will be giving a special performance on the satsuma biwa. 






1947年 東京生まれ。

1968年 辻靖剛先生に師事し、薩摩琵琶の指導を受ける。

1970年 日本琵琶楽協会主催「琵琶楽コンクール」で優勝。文部大臣賞を受賞。

1991年 金田一春彦先生に師事し、平曲の指導を受ける。

1994年 モノオペラ「銀杏散りやまず」(辻邦生原作)を制作、出演。

1997年 文化庁芸術祭参加リサイタル「琵琶楽による四季の語り」を開催。

1998年 能、狂言、平曲による「平家物語の世界」(横浜能楽堂)に出演(以後毎年継続して開催)。

1999年 文化庁芸術祭参加リサイタル「散華の道」開催。

2001年 日本琵琶楽協会理事長。

2005年 四部作CD連琵琶「清盛」(日本伝統文化振興財団発売)を制作。

2007年 国立劇場歌舞伎公演「蓮絲恋慕曼荼羅」の音楽を担当。

2023年 日本琵琶楽協会会長。


Born in Tokyo, Seishu Suda studied the satsuma biwa under Master Seigo Tsuj and studied heike narrative (heikyoku) with Haruhiko Kindaichi. Winner of numerous competitions and awards, Suda both produces and directs operas, and theatrical stages of noh, kyogen, heikyoku, and has given numerous national-level recitals. He has produced CDs such as "Kiyomori" and has contributed music for national kabuki performances. He is the president of the Japanese Biwa Association. 


The Biwa, Japan's plucked lute, is descended from the Chinese pipa in the 7th century. In Japan it was first used in court music (gaku-biwa), then in a smaller version by Buddhist monks (moso-biwa). Later the heike-biwa, used to recite the epic Tale of Heike, combined elements of most and by the 12th century became the most popular instrument. The Satsuma-biwa was originally used by samurai in the 17th century for moral training but was also used in other contexts. From the mid-19th century to about 1915 the satsuma-biwa was one of the most popular instruments. It is played with a large triangular plectrum.