Kyoto 1-Day Retreat Think Tank: Mindfulness in Higher Education: East-West Perspectives



Kyoto 1-Day Retreat Think Tank


Mindfulness in Higher Education:

East-West Perspectives


Organized by Prof. Henri-Marc Deroche, Kyoto University.


At Kyoto University’s Seifūsō Villa, Monday 5th December 2022, 9:00-17:00




Core question of the think tank:

What are the good reasons and best approaches for

integrating mindfulness in higher education?


- With this main interrogation in mind, special consideration will be given to

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L, “Mindfulness for Life,”

researched and developed by OMC for healthy populations), as well as to its potential

integration into Japan universities according to an adapted cultural, philosophical,

and scientific framework. The major reference in printed book format is Christina

Feldman and Willem Kuyken’s Mindfulness. Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern

Psychology (New York / London, The Guilford Press, 2019).


Participants (Faculty):

Willem Kuyken (University of Oxford, Psychology), Fusako Koshikawa (Waseda

University, Psychology), Tetsuji Ietsugu (Nagoya Keizai University, Psychology),

Teruhisa Uwatoko (Kyoto University Hospital, Psychiatry), Sanae Kishimoto (Kyoto

University, Psychology), Yuki Imoto (Keio University, Education), Anton Sevilla-Liu

(Kyushu University, Education), Romaric Jannel (Kyoto University, Philosophy),

Marc-Henri Deroche (Kyoto University, Buddhist studies)